
Strengthen your business relations: make your trade fair presence more effective by inviting your customers.


Please note that invitations are available in your reserved area that you can send to your customers.

Ecomondo, from 14/10, offers exhibitors the ‘Digital Ticket Assistant’ service, a personal consultant who will support you in all the stages of inviting your customers.

You can write to or call 0541/744115 and you will be able to speak directly with your Ticket Assistant who will guide you step by step through the process of inviting your customers.


The service runs from 14 October to 8 November.

  • From 14 to 18 October from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • From 21 October to 7 November from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
  • On 8 November from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The service does not operate at weekends.

Here is some useful information for inviting your customers:


After logging in to the private area with the credentials received by e-mail, select from the menu on the left ‘Digital Ticket’ - ‘Invite’ (see box 1 in figure) enter the e-mail addresses to which you want to send the invitations (see box 2 in figure):

Yes, you can send several invitations at the same time. Upload individual e-mail addresses or import an Excel file.

Once uploaded, you will receive feedback on the validity of the e-mail addresses entered and, if necessary, correct them (see box in figure):

After entering the correct e-mail addresses, you will find a summary of the mailing and can:

- Click on the arrow (see 1 in figure) to review the list of recipients;
- Click on the folder (see 2 in figure) to copy the list of recipients to the clipboard;
- Monitor how many invitations you are sending and how many remain at your disposal (see 3 in figure):

Click on ‘Send’ to send out the invitations.

Afterwards, you can select ‘check’ from the menu on the left and monitor the progress of the invitations. Notifications are sent within a few minutes.

Click on the tabs ‘Sending, Delivered, Sending Failed, etc.’ as shown in the image below and see the details of each email address:


Sendings that fail (due to errors in the destination address or server) will be available to you again. You can send the invitation again to the same person. The recipient receives a single notification e-mail and will find the invitations in his or her private area, all listed as ‘Ticket offered by...’ your company name.

The recipient of your invitation will receive an e-mail similar to this one, personalised with your company name:

By clicking on ‘Register’, your guest will be redirected to the registration page of the Ecomondo website, and by completing the registration he will access his reserved area where he will find his ticket. If, on the other hand, you have already registered in the past, the ‘quick access’ button will appear.

The recipient of the invitation, in his private area, can click on:

  • ‘Use’ and then ‘Print’ to generate and download his ticket;
  • ‘Forward’ to forward the invitation to others


In his private area the visitor may also have other tickets, offered by other companies. If you want him to enter with your ticket, you will have to signal him to be careful to download just that one! Remember that it is marked ‘Ticket offered by + your company name’.

The maximum limit for personal use is 3 tickets, after which from the 4th the system only allows you to forward the ticket by entering the e-mail of the person to whom it is to be forwarded.

Thanks to the possibility of sending several invitations to the same recipient (who in each case will only receive one notification) you can for example send several invitations to an agent, who can print his own and forward the remaining ones to others.

If the visitor does not receive the initial e-mail from (it may unfortunately go to spam), but the invitation is among the delivered ones, the visitor can still see it in his or her reserved area by registering at this link, using the e-mail address to which the invitation was sent.

Don't miss out: take advantage of our Digital Ticket Assistant service and maximise your trade fair presence by inviting your customers easily and effectively!


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