Roberto Montanari - Official of the Emilia-Romagna Region, by the Directorate General for Territorial and Environmental Care – department of Soil and Coast Protection and Land Reclamation

Official of the Emilia-Romagna Region, by the Directorate General for Territorial and Environmental Care – department of Soil and Coast Protection and Land Reclamation

Roberto Montanari is an official of the Emilia-Romagna Region, responsible for the coordination of European projects and international interregional initiatives on Coastal Protection and Integrated Management, by the Directorate General for Territorial and Environmental Care (Soil and Coast Protection and Land Reclamation Survey). He has been charged for the start and develop­ment of the “Bologna Charter Initiative” and its Joint Action Plan. He coordinates the Bologna Charter Task Force within the Integrated Maritime Policy Group by the Intermediterranean Commission of the CPMR. By Emilia-Romagna Region he contrib­uted to the formulation of the regional Guidelines for the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), for the Component of Coastal Risks and Protection Strategies. He is the Coordinator of the National Working Group on the “National Guidelines for the protection of the coasts from erosion phenomena and from the effects of climate change” and he’s in the coordination team of the National Board on Coastal Erosion, instituted by the Italian Ministry of Environment, Territory and Sea Protection. He’s involved as adjunct professor at the University of Bologna for teachings on integrated management and protection of coastal areas, within Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in WAter and COastal Management, WACOMA 2017-2022. Currently he’s also WP leader within the Co-Evolve project, Interreg MED program, and WP Leader in Change-We-Care project, Interreg V-A Italy-Croatia CBC program.