Scientific Committee

Born in 1952, graduated in Chemistry, from 1971 to 2020 I carried out my entire professional career in Int. Food Companies, with managerial and apical roles in different areas (Production, Technical, Quality, Technical-Scientific and R&D). From 2015 to 2020 CEO and President of Soremartec Italia (Ferrero Group R&D Co.). Since 2020 I have been working in the Food area as Technical & Scientific Advisor.

Member of the C.D. National Agrifood Cluster CL.A.N. since its foundation in 2013 and President of the same for the period 2021-2023.

Member of the BoD of the Italian Sustainable Palm Oil Union since its foundation in 2015 e President for the three-year period 2022-2024.

Member of several C.D. and CTS of Trade Associations, Technical-scientific bodies, Masters and University Courses and of the Rep. Nat. in the 16th Program Committee of FP7 for the Progr. "Cooperation", Theme 2.

Co-author of several scientific articles in the Food sector (Technologies, Analytics and Food Safety).

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