• Wednesday, November 6, 2024
  • 10:00 - 13:00
  • Memo
  • Ravezzi 2 South Hall
  • Italian
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & ISPRA (Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security

The National Recovery and Resilience Program (PNRR) dedicates 2.1 billion euros to improving the efficient and sustainable management of waste and for the development of innovative technologies to boost the circular economy on a national scale, with the aim of bridging the structural gaps that, especially in the centre-south, are the real obstacle to the development of integrated management. The PNRR is first and foremost a plan by objectives, and in this sense the approved reforms (National Strategy for the Circular Economy and National Waste Management Programme) are fundamental programmatic tools for public and private operators. Italy has been able to respond with a large number of projects submitted by both the public and the tried and tested sector. 2024 is a key year in the implementation of the investments and reforms of the PNRR.
This conference will be an opportunity to analyze the progress made and any critical issues that have emerged through discussions between institutions and operators.

Session Chair

Valeria Frittelloni, Head of Department of Environmental Assessment, Monitoring and Sustainability, ISPRA


Welcome and introduction

Laura D'Aprile, Head of the Sustainable Development Department of the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security
Maria Siclari, General Director of ISPRA
Filippo Brandolini, President of Utilitalia
Representative of Italian Regions (TBD)
Marco Ravazzolo, Environment, Energy and Mobility Policy Director of Confindustria
Carlo Salvemini, ANCI (National Association of Italian Municipalities) Energy and Waste delegate 
Ignazio Capuano, President of CONAI
Danilo Bonato, Director of Business Development and Institutional Relations Erion Compliance Organisation
Claudio Perissinotti Bisoni, Technical Project Manager Innovation and Development, UNI