• Wednesday, November 6, 2024
  • 10:00 - 13:00
  • Memo
  • Diotallevi Room South Hall
  • Italian
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & UNIRAU (Union of used clothing collection, recycling and reuse companies)

The EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles, published in March 2022, addresses the issues of textile production, consumption and post-consumption in the context of the Circular Economy Action Plan and the European Industrial Strategy.

Textile products are very present in daily life and urgent action is needed as their impact on the environment continues to grow and represents the fourth highest impact on the environment and climate change, with high consumption of water, soil, primary raw materials and greenhouse gas emissions.

The Commission's 2030 vision for the textile sector is based on durable, repairable and recyclable textiles, with recycled fibre content, free of hazardous substances, produced in compliance with social and environmental rights and certified by the introduction of the 'digital passport'.

The European Institution are also working on harmonized rules for EPR schemes to be implemented in all Member States to improve separate collection and incentivise circular business models that facilitate reuse, repair and recycling.

Session Chair

Andrea Fluttero, Unirau Assoambiente


Municipalities and collection cooperatives

Comparation of different types of collection (on the road, door-to-door, selective)
Franco Bonesso, Anci - National Association of Italian Municipalities (TBC)
Karina Bolin, Humana, people to people (TBC)

Selection companies

Giuseppe Valletti, Ariu - Used Garment Recoverers Association (TBC)
Carmine Esposito, Unirau - Union of used clothing collection, recycling and reuse companies (TBC)

Overall production of textile waste and Ecodesign

They are essential to make the sector more circular. What is the state of the legislation?
Representative of JRC Directorate General of the European Commission (TBC)

Blockchain and digital passport in the textile sector

State of the art and focusing on the experience of a start-up
Stefano Sana, Bcode (TBC)

Recycling technologies

Technological burdens and REACH compliance issues for fiber-to-fiber textile recycling
Andrea Falchini, Next Technology Prato (TBC)

Updates to the regulatory framework

Silvia Grandi, General Director of Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (TBC)