• Wednesday, November 6, 2024
  • 10:00 - 13:00
  • Memo
  • Agorà Ariminum – Circular Economy Area D1 pav.
  • Italian
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & Green Building Council Italy, Marche Polytechnic University

Circular economy is in general deine as the ability to recycle the material from which movable and immovable goods are made in order to produce new ones. In reality, the circular economy is a model of production and consumption that involves sharing, lending, reusing, repairing, reconditioning and recycling existing materials and products with the aim of extending their useful life as long as possible. The synergy between all these areas and skills is essential to achieve the goal of truly circular construction. In a mature Circular Economy model, the materials with which a good is made are reintroduced, where possible, into the economic cycle only after the good or its functional parts have finished their function.

The meeting will open a window on these issues in the construction industry by addressing with examples the different levels of circularity applied at the building and urban scale. Innovative and multidisciplinary projects will be presented. The final round table will stimulate the debate on the perspectives and roles of the different categories of stakeholders.

Session Chairs

Marco Caffi, Green Building Council Italia
Gian Marco, Revel, Università Politecnica delle Marche


10.00 Introduction by the Chairs

10.10-10.30 Level(S) and circularity in construction
Josefina Lingdom, DG ENV European Commission

10.30-10.50 The new PPP on Advanced Materials (I’M4EU) and the impact on Circular Economy in Constructions
Representative of European Commission

10.50-11.10 The national strategy for the circular economy
Silvia Grandi, Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security

11.10-11.20 Bio-based materials and circularity
Diego Mingarelli, Diasen

11.20-11.30 From waste to product: building products from recycled materials
Representative of Knauf or Saint Gobain or Interface

11.30-11.40 Circular construction sites
Andrea Vecci, REDO

11.40-11.50 Circular projects
Paolo Crseci, ARUP

11.50-12.00 The Horizon Europe Project “Reconstruct - Developing circular, eco-friendly, and innovative solutions to reduce emissions from the construction industry”
Gloria Cosoli, Marche Polytechnic University

12.00-12.30 Round Table
Fabrizio Capaccioli, GBC Italy
Roberto Morabito, ICESP
Representative of OICE
Valerio Barberis, Municipality of Prato

12.30 Discussion and closure by the Chairs