• Thursday, November 7, 2024
  • 10:15 - 13:00
  • Memo
  • Agorà Tiberio – Water Cycle Area D8 pav.
  • Italian
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & Marche Polytechnic University, University of Bologna, UTILITALIA (Italian federation of energy, water and environmental services)

Digital technologies are impacting nearly every sector in the water industry. Water utilities of all sizes — private and public — are shifting the way they operate and manage resources. Utilities are embracing digitalization to address problems ranging from aging water infrastructure to optimizing resource allocation. The national recovery funding is playing a crucial role in boosting digitalization of water infrastructure, while several innovation projects are implanting aligning the water sector to the digital transition. The workshop will present a framework of how projects funded by the PNRR are progressing and the most promising innovation projects selected from the Call for Papers.

Session Chairs

Attilio Toscano, Ecomondo STC and University of Bologna
Representative of UTILITALIA


10.15 Introduction by the Chairs

10.15-10.30 Current progress of PNRR for digitalizing the water distribution syustems
Representative of Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (TBC) 

10.30-10.45 Case studies from water utilities
Speaker (TBD)

10.45-12.15 Speeches selected from the Call for Papers

12.15 Discussion and closure by the Chairs