• Wednesday, November 6, 2024
  • 10:00 - 13:00
  • Memo
  • Tulipano Room B6 pav.
  • Italian
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & National Institute of Health, ISPRA (Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research)
  • with speeches and posters from the Call for Papers 2024

The workshop aims to illustrate the application experiences of the National VIS LGs developed by ISS in the context of the EIA procedure of works under state jurisdiction, in particular large combustion plants. This day in particular aims to describe the development and analysis of the HIA study from the point of view of the Proponent and the Evaluator for certain works such as regasification plans, biorefineries and thermal power plants. Discussions between Proponents and Evaluators allow the identification of the most suitable development solutions to safeguard the health of the populations of the territories concerned.

Session Chairs

Eleonora Beccaloni, National Institute of Health
Gianluigi de Gennaro, University of Bari


10.00 Introduction by the Chairs

Application experiences of National HIA Guidelines
Eleonora Beccaloni, National Institute of Health

Mariachiara Zanetti, Polytechnic University of Turin

Application experience of the Proponent National HIA Guidelines - 1
Speaker, Affiliation 

Application experience of the Proponent National HIA Guidelines - 2
Speaker, Affiliation 

Speeches selected from the Call for Papers

Discussion and closure by the Chairs