Plans, strategies and solutions to implement the new Urban Waste Water Directive and address the challenges of the new Sludge Directive: European and Italian case studies
- Wednesday, November 6, 2024
- 10:00 - 17:00
- Memo
- Agorà Tiberio – Water Cycle Area D8 pav.
- Italian
- organized by Ecomondo STC & Water Research Insititute (IRSA-CNR National Research Council), University of Brescia, UTILITALIA (Italian federation of energy, water and environmental services), Marche Polytechnic University
with speeches and posters from the Call for Papers 2024
The new Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive paves the way towards a smart, green, and circular wastewater management taking into account new sources of urban pollution, becoming more and more prevalent (such as smaller cities, decentralised facilities or storm waters), as well as new emerging pollutants including microplastics and micropollutants. In addition, it will drive the wastewater sector towards energy and climate neutrality, contributing to circular economy by improving the quality of sludge and treated wastewater, allowing for more reuse in agriculture and ensuring that valuable resources are not lost. When doing so, the Member States are expected to comply also with the Sewage Sludge Directive, waiting for an imminent revision. The conference intends to give a contribution in shaping the picture of what is already under way in these areas and with what perspectives and technical solutions. The shift to circularity and zero pollution requires a complex combination of appropriate regulatory framework, new technologies, and effective coordination between different sectors and stakeholders, here represented.
Session Chairs
Camilla Braguglia, IRSA-CNR
Giorgio Bertanza, University of Brescia
Tania Tellini, UTILITALIA
10.00-13.45 Morning session
10.00-10.10 Introduction of the morning session by the Chairs
10.10-10.30 The Italian roadmap for UWWTD transposition
Angiolo Martinelli, Representative of Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security
10.30-10.50 Solutions for micropollutants removal solution and wastewater treatment plants upgrade - the Swiss experience
Urs Van Gunten, EAWAG
10.50-11.10 Risks and opportunities for operators and stakeholders along this transformation journey
Giovanni Piccoli, Membro Consiglio Direttivo Settore Acqua UTILITALIA
11.10-11.30 Reuse and/or discharge: case studies in the new European framework
Francesco Fatone, Anna Laura Eusebi, Massimiliano Sgroi (UNIVPM), Po River Basin Authority
11.40-13.45 Speeches selected from the Call for Papers
on urban wastewater (treatment, monitoring, case studies, WWTP upgrade)
11.40-11.50 Case Study: Pilot-Scale Removal of Emerging Microcontaminants from Wastewater using Ozone and AOP
Eleonora Pasinetti, SIAD
11.50-12.00 INtegrated TECHnologies for pollutants in (waste)water services (INTECH4WATER)
Simonetta Pancaldi, Terra&Acqua Tech, Università di Ferrara
12.00-12.10 Designing a full-scale ozonation plant for maximum micropollutant removal and minimal bromate formation
Roberta Muoio, AM-Team
12.10-12.20 Aquaponics from WAstewater REclamation, the AWARE Project
Roberta M. Rana, Autorità Idrica Pugliese
12.20-12.30 Stima del potenziale di riutilizzo irriguo dei reflui urbani affinati per la pianificazione di investimenti pubblici in applicazione del Reg. 741/2020:
un approccio qualitativo basato sui dati di reporting della UWWTD
Marianna Ferrigno, CREA Centro Politiche e Bioeconomia
12.30-12.40 How to upgrade a conventional WWTP to achieve treated water reuse: Besozzo as a case study
Paolo Bernini, Alfavarese
12.40-12.50 Alternate aeration strategies for sewage sludge minimization
Marta Domini, Università di Brescia
12.50-13.00 Ottimizzazione del trattamento di acque reflue civili con biomassa granulare aerobica: un’esperienza pilota presso l’impianto di Monza
S. Rocco, Sara Lorenzini - Brianzacque
13.00-13.10 Advanced processes for PFAS removal in landfill leachate treatment
Claudio Di Iaconi, IRSA-CNR
13.10-13.45 Round Table and Discussion with the speakers
13.45-14.45 Lunch break
14.45-17.30 Afternoon session
14.45-15.00 Introduction of the afternoon session by the Chairs
15.00-15.20 Unlock the potential of the sewage sludge directive
Giulio Ricciuto, ACCIONA AGUA
15.20-15.40 Sludge recovery in agriculture: environment and health protection
Giorgio Bertanza, University of Brescia
15.40-16.00 Sludge management and integration with the cycle of waste - the Lombardy region experience
Elisabetta Scotto, ARPA Lombardia
16.00-17.30 Speeches selected from the Call for Papers
on sludge treatment and circular management (innovation, emerging pollutants, thermal treatments, monitoring, case studies, recovery in agriculture, bio-energy)
16.00-16.10 Extraction and Analytical Methods for Microplastics Monitoring in Wastewater Treatment Plant
Juan Francisco Ferrer Crespo, AIMPLAS
16.10-16.20 Occorrenza e destino di alcuni prodotti farmaceutici nella linea fanghi di un impianto di depurazione di reflui urbani
Simone Leoni, Acea Infrastructure SpA
16.20-16.30 Strategie e soluzioni nella gestione dei fanghi di depurazione, l’esperienza AQP su riduzione dei rifiuti
Maria Luisa D’Aluiso, Acquedotto Pugliese
16.30-16.40 Valorization of pyrolysis gas derived from municipal sewage sludge towards a circular economy approach
Vincenzo Pelagalli, Università di Cassino
16.40-16.50 Energy Factory West at Sleeuwijk WWTP: An in-depth case study in increasing anaerobic digestion performance and efficiency
Cristina Cominelli, Royal Haskoning DHV
16.50-17.00 SLG® innovative WWTPs sludge conditioning system moving to Energy Neutrality: case studies in Italian WWTPs
Daniele Renzi, Bioreal
17.00-17.30 Round Table and discussion with speakers
Sessione Poster
1. La fattibilità dei laghetti collinari per il riuso delle acque reflue urbane
Giuseppe Frega e Ernesto Infusino (Dipartimento Ingegneria dell’Ambiente Università della Calabria)
2. Identificazione e correzione automatica degli offset delle sonde di NH4 negli impianti di trattamento delle acque reflue
Francesca Bellamoli e Marco Vian (ETC Sustainable Solutions Srl)
3. Strategie Innovative e Soluzioni Ecologiche per la Direttiva sulle Acque Reflue Urbane: Casi di Studio Europei e Italiani
Andrea Laguzzi, Product Manager Sistemi di Trattamento (ACO S.p.A.)
4. Lo smart metering nell'idrico vola sulle ali della tecnologia e della Regolazione
Francesco Albasser
5. Una soluzione Innovativa per la Contaminazione da PFAS: La Tecnologia EMER per il Trattamento delle Acque Reflue Industriali
Francesco Capoti, Massimiliano Dall'Argine (IRIDEACQUE)
6. Caso studio: Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)
Ivana Sanvito, Aniello Franzese (ETC-ENG)
Maria Serena Gironi (Hach)
8. Sustainability quantum leap in sequencing batch reactor technology - Unleashing the Full Potential
Marcus Hoefken, Megan House, Peter Huber, and Walter Steidl (INVENT Germany)
9. Designing WWTPs for both minimal N2O emissions and best effluent quality
Giacomo Bellandi et al (AM_team)
10. Process control and improvement combined with enhanced Turbo Blowers efficiency to reduce energy consumption in waste water treatment plants
Marco Fustinoni, Mario Fustinoni (INVENT Aeration Services)
12. Life Cascade Project: Removal of Microplastics and Other Pollutants from Textile Wastewater
Brusa (Centro Tessile Serico Sostenibile)
Mauro Zoglia e Sandra Zoglia (ASIA)
14. Future proof sludge management - eliminating micropollutants in a climate and energy positive pyrolysis process
Christian Wieth (AquaGreen ApS)
15. Recupero di materia nel Servizio Idrico Integrato: il soil washing delle sabbie dal processo di depurazione delle acque reflue
Massimo Spizzirri, Luisa Merluzzi, Alessia Delle Site, Camilla Cassol (Acea Ato 2)
16. Trattamento multifunzionale delle acque reflue urbane, agricole ed industriali
Giulio Giannoli (Reimex Group)
17. La nuova direttiva sulle acque reflue urbane: la strategia del Gruppo CAP su innovazione, efficienza ed economia circolare
Giovanni Vargiu (CAP Evolution)
- Water Cycle and Blue Economy
- Onsite event