• Wednesday, November 6, 2024
  • 10:00 - 17:00
  • Memo
  • Agorà Tiberio – Water Cycle Area D8 pav.
  • Italian
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & Water Research Insititute (IRSA-CNR National Research Council), University of Brescia, UTILITALIA (Italian federation of energy, water and environmental services), SNPA/ISPRA (Italian Institute for Environmental Protection)


The new Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive paves the way towards a smart, green, and circular wastewater management taking into account new sources of urban pollution, becoming more and more prevalent (such as smaller cities, decentralised facilities or storm waters), as well as new emerging pollutants including microplastics and micropollutants. In addition, it will drive the wastewater sector towards energy and climate neutrality, contributing to circular economy by improving the quality of sludge and treated wastewater, allowing for more reuse in agriculture and ensuring that valuable resources are not lost. When doing so, the Member States are expected to comply also with the Sewage Sludge Directive, waiting for an imminent revision. The conference intends to give a contribution in shaping the picture of what is already under way in these areas and with what perspectives and technical solutions. The shift to circularity and zero pollution requires a complex combination of appropriate regulatory framework, new technologies, and effective coordination between different sectors and stakeholders, here represented.

Session Chairs

Camilla Braguglia, IRSA-CNR
Giorgio Bertanza, University of Brescia
Tania Tellini, UTILITALIA
Giuseppe Bortone, ASSOARPA (National Association of Regional Environmental Protection Agencies)


10.00-10.10 Introduction of the morning session by the Chairs

10.10-10.30 The italian roadmap for UWWTD transposition
Representative of Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (TBC)

10.30-10.50 Solutions for micropollutants removal and wastewater treatment plants upgrade-the swiss experience
Representative of VSA, Vongunten EAWAG (TBD)

10.50-11.20 Risks and opportunities for operators and stakeholders along this transformation journey (UTILITALIA, utilities)

11.20-11.35 Reuse and/or discharge: case studies in the new European framework
Representatives of Marche Polytechnic University, Po River Basin Authority, utilities (TBD)

11.20-13.20 Speeches selected from the Call for Papers on urban wastewater (treatment, monitoring, case studies, wwtp upgrade)

Break for lunch

14.20-14.30 Introduction of the afternoon session by the Chairs

14.30-14.50 Unlock the potential of the sewage sludge directive
Representative of Water Europe, Utilitalia

14.50-15.10 Sludge recovery in agriculture: environment and health protection
Representative of University of Brescia

15.10-15.30 Sludge management and integration with the cycle of waste
Representative of ASSOARPA/ISPRA

15.30-17.00 Speeches selected from the Call for Papers on sludge treatment and circular management (innovation, emerging pollutants, thermal treatments, monitoring, case studies, recovery in agriculture, bio-energy, …)