• Wednesday, November 6, 2024
  • 14:00 - 17:00
  • Memo
  • Noce Room A6 Pav.
  • Italian
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & ASSOAMBIENTE (National Association of Environmental Services Companies and Circular Economy)

Last April, the new Waste Shipment Regulation (EU) 2024/1157 was published, replacing the old Waste shipment Regulation. The aim of the new Regulation, the main provisions of which will enter into force from May 2026, is to reduce waste shipments to countries outside the EU, to update shipment procedures to make them consistent with the objectives of the circular economy and climate neutrality, to simplify intra-EU shipment by, among other things, using electronic transmission and exchange of information, and to combat illegal shipments.

The measures contained in the regulation, despite the transitional period, will have a significant impact on the operations of companies that, unitil now, have been able to rely on a global market for the management of materials/waste resulting from waste treatment. The conference aims to bring together decision-makers, who will be involved in the definition of all the legislative acts required by the new Regulation, and business representatives in order to provide an opportunity to hear their respective points of view.

Session Chair

Elisabetta Perrotta, Director of ASSOAMBIENTE


Karolina D’Cunha, Deputy Head of Unit ad European Commission 
Paolo Campanella, Director FEAD - European Waste Management Association
Tiziana Satta, Customs Directorate Officer
Giuseppe Piardi, STENA Recycling
Diego Siragna, Settentrionale Trasporti

Discussion and closure by the Chairs