• Thursday, November 7, 2024
  • 14:00 - 17:00
  • Memo
  • Noce Room A6 Pav.
  • Italian
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & ASSOAMBIENTE-UNIRIGOM (Union of Italian rubber recoverers)

The restriction approved in Brussels will ban in the near future, the use of 0.5 mm recycled rubber granules (GVG - Granular Vulcanized Rubber) as infill in synthetic turf sports surfaces. It is a market that currently absorbs about 40% of the recycled rubber granules in Europe and in Italy GVG are currently used in about 5,000 sports installations.

It is thus necessary to find new market to avoid the collapse of the end-of-life tire recycling system and to support the chain of ELT recycling and the valorisation or recycled rubber in Italy, supporting the opening to new f the market flows.

The aim to present proposals for the future of a chain that has always had a strategic role for the national and global sustainability objectives.

Session Chair

Renzo Maggiolo, President of UNIRIGOM


Sen. Francesca Tubetti, Italian Senate Environment Committee
Sergio Saporetti, Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (TBC)
Representative of Unirigom’s company (TBD)
Giuseppina Carnimeo, Director ECOPNEUS
Roberta De Carolis, ENEA
Valeria Erba, ANIT - National Association for Thermal and Acoustic Insulation (TBC)

Discussion and closure
Renzo Maggiolo, President of UNIRIGOM