• Thursday, November 7, 2024
  • 10:30 - 16:30
  • Memo
  • Agorà Ariminum – Circular Economy Area D1 pav.
  • English
  • Italian
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & MICS Foundation (Circular and Sustainability Made in Italy National Research Project), University of Bologna, EISMEA, (APRE Agency for the Promotion of European Research)

Producing goods and services in Europe means distinguishing ourselves from global dynamics and processes by promoting values and quality that at a continental level represent our "way of doing quality industry with a high identity value". A way made up of many different visions with which to understand and implement circularity.
This conference intends to emphasize the most "noble" approaches of the circular economy: reuse, durability and repairability and, logically, eco-design. We will do so by presenting points of view and testimonies of an international scenario within the industrial manufacturing sector with respect to sustainability, observed both from the point of view of circularity (material dimension) and from the social one, read in particular through responsible innovation (immaterial dimension).
We intend to take stock of this phenomenon today in the panorama of production and scientific applications, involving some excellent experts as well as companies that in an original and courageous way are generating strongly recognized value through a transition to solutions based on these approaches.
The event is organized in two sessions, each of which focuses on the different dimensions of sustainability mentioned above (tangible and intangible). Each session includes inspirational interventions as well as case studies that show how those concepts are translated into real business in the EU.
The two sessions will be directly connected with an exhibition area where leading companies will showcase their activities in the field of reuse, repair, refit and eco-design.

Session Chairs

Angelo Salsi, former Head of Department at European Commission
Francesco Matteucci, former Programme Manager at EISMEA
Flaviano Celaschi, University of Bologna and MICS Foundation
Laura Succini and Erik Ciravegna, University of Bologna

Session Chairs

Angelo Salsi, former Head of Department at European Commission
Francesco Matteucci, former Programme Manager at EISMEA
Flaviano Celaschi, University of Bologna and MICS Foundation
Laura Succini and Erik Ciravegna, University of Bologna


Session 1: Setting the context

Angelo Salsi, former Head of Department CINEA – European Commission

10.30 Introduction by the Moderator

Circularity / Circular Economy / Circular Design Framework
[Principles, Numbers, Perspectives]
Emanuele Bompan, Expert on Circular Economy and director Materia Rinnovabile

The contemporary edge of the policy
Aurel Ciobanu Dordea, Director of DG Environment, European Commission

Case Study Related to Sustainability in its REUSE Dimension
Chiara Airoldi e Olimpia Santella, co-founder Cloov, start-up focusing on end-to-end services around the rental of clothing and accessories

Case study Related to Sustainability in its REPAIR Dimension
Hans Carpels, Euronics Geie
Olivier Beal, Boulanger (La branch di EURONICS) (TBC)

12.15 Debate


Session 2: Sustainability and its intangible dimension

Flaviano Celaschi, Full Professor at Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna and Spoke 1 Leader of MICS-Made in Italy Circolare e Sostenibile (PE11 PNRR)

14.30 Introduction by the Moderator

Design for Transition (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, Social) [Tools and Cases]
Terry Irwin, Director of the Transition Design Institute

Responsible Innovation and Practical Effects on Business
Katharina de Melo (formerly Jarmai), Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES)

Case Study Related to Sustainability in its RETHINK Dimension
(New Business Models, Systemic Design)

Patagonia (TBC)

Case Study Related to Sustainability in its REFORM Dimension (e.g. Ethics, Gender Equity, Inclusion, Open Access...)
Thales Alenia, Space Italia

The Digital Advanced Design Approach: Cases and Tools for Experimentation: from the MICS (Made In Italy Circular And Sustainable) Project in Innovative Processes and Products (PNRR PE11 Spoke 1)
Erik Ciravegna, Laura Succini, Researchers at Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna


16.15 Closing statements