• Thursday, November 7, 2024
  • 10:00 - 13:00
  • Memo
  • Neri 1 Room South Hall
  • Italian
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & ISPRA (Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research)

The purpose of the meeting is to address the main issues relating to the application of articles 184 bis and ter of Legislative Decree No. 152/2006 by analyzing the critical issues of the four conditions provided for by the legislation.
The evaluation of the four conditions relating to the end of waste, both in the definition of national decrees and in the case-by-case procedure, represents an extremely complex step from a technical and legal point of view.
The judiciary has often intervened on the application of by-product notion and on the interpretation of the four requirements referred to in the art. 184-bis. The day will encourage discussion between institutions, jurists, operators and bodies responsible for monitoring and controlling the correct management of these materials.

Session Chair

Valeria Frittelloni, Head of Department of Environmental Assessment, Monitoring and Sustainability, ISPRA


Representativo of Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security
Representativo of ISPRA
Representativo of National Health Institute
Rappresentante ARPA
Rappresentante Confindustria
Rappresentante Utilitalia
Rappresentante FISE Assoambiente
Rappresentante Commissione IPPC