• Friday, November 8, 2024
  • 10:00 - 12:45
  • Memo
  • Neri 1 Room South Hall
  • Italian
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & ASSOAMBIENTE (National Association of Environmental Services Companies and Circular Economy)

The vehicle demolition sector is currently experiencing a great revolution. From the proposal of a new Regulation on end-of-life vehicles – amending the Directive 2000/53 - which will bring new objectives and new obligations for all subjects in the ELV supply chain, to the changes introduced at National level with the entry into force next June 2024 of the new electronic register of end-of-life vehicles and with the arrival of RENTRi which will see its first applications at the beginning of 2025.

The main goal of the conference is to explore and illustrate the changes to the obligations of the subjects of the supply chain brought about by the aforementioned Regulations and discuss them with all the subjects interested in the change.

Session Chair

Paolo Barberi, Vice President of Assoambiente


10.00 Introduction by the Chairs

10.10-10.30 The New electronic register of end-of-life vehicles
Salvatore Moretto, PRA Director

10.30-10.50 RENTRi – New IT waste traceability system
Chiara Leboffe, Assoambiente

10.50-11.00 The proposal for a Regulation on end-of-life vehicles
Matteo Ricci, Environment Commission European Parliament (TBC)

11.10-12.45 Round table
Paolo Campanella, FEAD Director

Antonio Cernicchiaro, UNRAE - National Union of Foreign Car Representatives
Luca De Vita, ANFIA - Italian Association of the Automotive Industry
Luca Campadello, ERION
Stefano Leoni, AIRA - Industrial Association of Car Recyclers
Cinzia Vezzosi, ASSOFERMET - National Association of Steels, Metals, Scrap
Gianfranco Soranna, FEDERAUTO - Italian Car Dealers Federation
Alfonso Gifuni, CAR - Confederation of car wreckers
Ruggiero Delvecchio, ADQ - National Association of Quality Car Wreckers
Anselmo Calò, ADA - Association of Automobile Wreckers

12.45 Discussion and Conclusions