• Wednesday, November 6, 2024
  • 14:00 - 17:00
  • Memo
  • Ravezzi 2 South Hall
  • Italian
  • English
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & UTILITALIA (Italian federation of energy, water and environmental services)

The evolution in municipal waste management is marked by diverging forces. On the one hand, as a local public service of general interest, its organization must guarantee the protection of health and the environment, universality of access, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability (environmental and economic) along the entire supply chain. On the other hand, as an economically relevant sector and first link of industrial supply chains producing secondary raw materials and energy, its organization is called upon to respect (often to the detriment of the fragmentation of the cycle) the principles and logic of free competition. However, the difficult and necessary balancing of interests between public and private (local authorities, EPR organisations, public and private waste management operators) cannot hinder the achievement of circular economy targets. The conference aims to call public authorities and industrial players at European and national level to an open discussion on the challenges, risks and opportunities of the evolution of the "market design" of municipal waste integrated cycle.

Session Chair

Alberto Ferro, Executive Board of Utilitalia


14.30 Introduction and coordination by the Chairman 
Alberto Ferro, Executive Board of Utilitalia

14.40 European session

Mattia Pellegrini, Head Unit DG-ENV European Commission (TBC)
Julia Ettinger (Blees), Secretary General EuRIC (European Recycling Industries’ Confederation)
Federico Foschini, President of Municipal Waste Europe (European association of public responsibility for waste)
Claudia Mensi, President of FEAD (European Waste Management Association)

15.30 National session

Laura D’Aprile, Head of Department of Sustainable Development, Italian Ministry of Environment (TBC)
Massimiliano Fedriga, President of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces (TBC)
Vittoria Tesei, Competition Department II, Transport, Energy and Environment Directorate, AGCM
Lorenzo Bardelli, Director of Environment Division of Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environmen
Simona Fontana, Head of CONAI (National Packaging Consortium)
Lorenzo Perra, President of Alia S.pA., Vice President of Utilitalia

17.00 Conclusions
Filippo Brandolini, President of Utilitalia