• Wednesday, November 6, 2024
  • 14:00 - 16:30
  • Memo
  • Diotallevi 2 Room South Hall
  • English
  • Italian
  • organized by Ecomondo Technical Scientific Committee, EURIC and ANPAR/ASSOAMBIENTE

The construction sector in the EU generates the largest volumes of waste and represents around 12% of EU GHG emissions at the same time. Nonetheless, it lags behind in the development of a circular economy, which in some Member States is struggling to take off due to the difficulty for recycled aggregates to find a market. In this context, European legislation can be a key driver for increasing circualrtiy in the European construction sector. The revision of the EU Construction Products Regulation entailed new approaches on environmental requirements construction products that stil need to be defined. Green Public procurement provisions can be a very useful leverage for increasing recycling of constrction and demolition waste (C&D waste). Can specific targets for recycling of C&D waste under the Waste Framework Directive also increase circularity of materilas in the EU? This seminar will look into different legislative tools for driving circularity in the construction sector, involving the whole value chain.

Session Chair

Pär LARSHANS, President of EuRIC’s Construction & Demolition Waste Recycling Branch (ECDB)


14.00-14.10 Opening & welcoming
Pär LARSHANS, President of EuRIC’s Construction & Demolition Waste Recycling Branch (ECDB)

14.10-14.30 Keynote speec: “Waste management and secondary material
Mattia Pellegrini - DG Env Commissione Europea - B3 (TBC)

14.30-15.30 Panel discussion EU tools to increase circularity in the construction sector

Moderated by:
Antoine Stilo, Technical Secretary Euric C&D Branch


Representative of DG GROW (TBC)
Dirk FINCKE, Secretary General UEPG/Aggregates Europe (TBC)
Real estate sector representative (TBC)
Pär LARSHANS, , President of EuRIC’s Construction & Demolition Waste Recycling Branch (ECDB), Chief Sustainability Officer at RagnSells

15.30-16.20 Panel discussion 2: Selective demolition and the new recovery targets for the different C&D waste streams

Moderated by:
Julia Blees, General Secretary Euric         

Philip VAN NIEUWENHUIZEN, President of the European Builders Association (TBC)
Stefano PANSERI, European Demolition Association (EDA) (TBC)
Francesco Onori, Cavart SpA
Giorgio BRESSI, Vice-President of ECDB, Technical Director at ANPAR

16.20-16.30 Conclusions