• Thursday, November 7, 2024
  • 14:00 - 16:00
  • Memo
  • Agorà Augusto – Bioeconomy Area D2 pav.
  • Italian
  • English
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & Legacoop Agroalimentare North Italy, ITACA Cooperative Ulisse Alga Italiana

Are algae the future? That is what we are going to discuss in this workshop: food, implants and research realities are going to share their experience in the sector and to underline potentialities and difficulties, building an interesting picture of the topic. From harvesting or collecting to everyday’s life, algae have a huge portfolio of applications in fields requiring new and more sustainable raw materials. Proteins for human nutrition and feeding, biostimulants in agriculture, biofuels, cosmetics… What are all the algae possible applications and do they or could they affect everydays living? What is the difference between microalgae and macroalgae? All of these compelling topics are going to be kicked off during this workshop. 

Session Chair

Alessio Bonaldo, Professor at the University of Bologna, Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences


14.00-14.10 Intervention by Anna Montini, Blue Economy Councillor of Rimini Municipality (TBC)

14.10-14.20 The need for the fishing and aquaculture sector to move towards 
Massimo Bellavista, Legacoop Agroalimentare, membro di Ecomondo STC per la Blue Economy

14.20-14.30 Microalgae: An overview on biodiversity and their applications 
Alessandra Norici, Professors at Università Politecnica delle Marche
Stefano Accoroni, Professors at Università Politecnica delle Marche

14.30-14.45 The Scale Project: Fornitura di composti bioattivi dalle microalghe per promuovere un futuro blu
Johan De Coninck, Director at Bieconomy4Change, France
Marine Bellon, Chargée de projets Européens Bieconomy4Change, France

Microalgae and their scientific structure 

14.50-15.00 Macroalgae: An overview on biodiversity and their applications
Stefano Accoroni, Professor at Università Politecnica delle Marche
Fabio Rindi, Professor at Università Politecnica delle Marche

15.00-15.10 Microalgae cultivation and harvesting and their applications in several commercial sectors
Guido Emiliani, CEO, Research & Development at Micoperi Blue Growth

15.10-15.20 Macroalgae and their scientific structure - pros and cons, scientific applications
Stefano Accoroni, Professor at Università Politecnica delle Marche
Alessandra Norici, Professor at Università Politecnica delle Marche

15.20-15.40 Macroalgae in the Netherlands: onshore field and indoor cultivation, applications and potential; specialised in nutritional application and animal health benefits in feed; initiators and operators of the Dutch seaweed hub Allround Seaweed Centre Eemshaven (Netherlands) 
Caterina Pezzola, Scientific consultant at Allround Seaweed
Joost Crommentuijn, Operations manager at Allround Seaweed
Hessel Altenburg, Feed expert and Sales manager at Allround Seaweed

15.40-15.50 Macroalgae in Italy: field growth, application and potential
Lisa Mustone, Business Development Responsible at  algaUlisse

15.50-16.00 Regulatory issues in Italy and situation in Europe
