• Tuesday, November 5, 2024
  • 10:00 - 13:15
  • Memo
  • Agorà Fellini – Sites & Soil Restoration Area C3 pav.
  • Italian
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & Italian Geotechnical Society - AGI-IGS Section

Landslides pose significant threat to communities and infrastructure worldwide, necessitating the development of effective hazard and exposure reduction strategies to mitigate potential risks. Hazard reduction strategies, exposure reduction strategies and vulnerability reduction strategies can be adopted to reduce landslide risk.
This conference deals with the issue of early warning systems used for landslide risk mitigation. These systems, which identify and manage the paroxysmal phases of landslides by alerting and/or temporarily relocating the population, are increasingly applied all over the world also thanks to reduced management costs.

Session Chairs

Daniele Cazzuffi, CESI SpA Milan and AGI-IGS President
Nicola Moraci, Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria and AGI-IGS Vice President


9.30-10.00 Participants' registration

10.00-10.15 Introduction
Daniele Cazzuffi, CESI SpA and AGI-IGS President

10.15-10.40 Different strategies for Landslide Risk Mitigation
Nicola Moraci, University Mediterranea, Reggio Calabria

10.40-11.05 Early Warning strategies for Landslide Risk Mitigation
Michele Calvello, University of Salerno

11.05-11.30 Structural interventions and monitoring systems for Landslide Risk Mitigation in Brenner Motorway 
Carlo Costa, Brenner Motorway

11.30-11.55 Monitoring systems and alert threshold assessment for the landslide of Idro (BS) 
Lamberto L. Griffini, Studio Griffini srl, Milano

11.55-12.20 Early warning System for Landslide Risk Mitigation in Vallée d’Aoste
Patrick Thuegaz, Region Vallée d’Aoste 

12.20-12.45 Learning Platform for Early Warning Systems: the importance of an effective communication and a comprehensive education
Loredana Antronico, CNR IRPI – Rende (Cosenza)

12.45-13.00 Digitalization to support environmental monitoring: what possible solutions?
Mariateresa Piselli, Almaviva, Roma 

13.00 Discussion and Conclusions