Sites and Soil Maintenance and Restoration
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05 NOVEMBER | 10:00 - 13:15
Agorà Fellini – Sites & Soil Restoration Area C3 pav.

Early Warning Systems for Landslide Risk Mitigation
organized by Ecomondo STC & Italian Geotechnical Society - AGI-IGS Section
05 NOVEMBER | 14:15 - 17:45
Agorà Fellini – Sites & Soil Restoration Area C3 pav.

Flood control reservoirs: needs, potential, problems, case studies
organized by Ecomondo STC & ITCOLD – Comitato Nazionale Italiano per le Grandi Dighe, Italian Geotechnical Society - AGI-IGS Section
06 NOVEMBER | 10:00 - 13:00
Agorà Malatesta – Enviromental Monitoring Area D8 pav.
A new planning approach in Emilia Romagna Region after the flood event
organized by Ecomondo STC & Emilia-Romagna Region, Po River Basin Authority
06 NOVEMBER | 10:00 - 17:30
Agorà Fellini – Sites & Soil Restoration Area C3 pav.

Geotechnical aspects connected to the management of marine dredging sludges and to the contaminated sites remediation
organized by Ecomondo STC & Italian Geotechnical Society - AGI-IGS Section
07 NOVEMBER | 10:00 - 13:00
Agorà Flaminia – Sites & Soil Restoration Area C1 pav.

Remediation of contaminated sites: where we are? Evolution of environmental regulation and technological innovation
organized by Ecomondo STC & Sapienza University of Rome, Unem (Energies for Mobility Union), Legambiente (Italian environmental association)
07 NOVEMBER | 14:00 - 17:30
Agorà Flaminia – Sites & Soil Restoration Area C1 pav.
Sustainable strategies for the remediation of polluted sites: developments in national and international applied research
with speeches and posters from the Call for Papers 2024
organized by Ecomondo STC & Sapienza University of Rome, Unem (Energies for Mobility Union), ISPRA (Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research)