• Wednesday, November 6, 2024
  • 10:00 - 13:00
  • Memo
  • Ravezzi 1 Room South Hall
  • Italian
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & Confagricoltura (General Confederation of Italian Agriculture), Federalimentare (The Italian Food & Drink Industry Federation), ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development)

The current political and economic context is changing swiftly, having an impact on the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainability. In fact, the expenses food & beverage companies have to cover are rising as a result of global tensions, despite the fact that the marketplaces in which they compete and the regulations that should be followed are getting stricter. It is also essential to take into account the various obstacles that farmers face due to the effects of climate change, such as rising temperatures, drained soils, and limited water supplies, as well as the need to ensure higher production in light of the projected 10 billion people on the planet by the year 2050.

Supporting the ecological transition of the agrifood supply chain and enhancing the commitment and investments of companies is becoming a priority. In order to do this, a discussion about the levers required to maintain competitiveness in the altered geopolitical and economic environments in which the supply chain has to function must be held in conjunction with the 'green' topic. A debate in which the various useful tools that can be used by companies will be analysed, but also the regulatory criticalities that should be overcome as well as existing good practices to be disseminated and replicated, innovations and new technological opportunities.

In this scenario, today, thanks to the development of technology, the agri-food chain can have drivers (genetic engineering - conventional breeding and biotechnology - agriculture 5.0 - sensors and drones -, digitisation, circular supply chains, photovoltaics, agri-voltaics and biogas, ecc.) that allow companies to be competitive on the market.

The event will be an important opportunity to evaluate the possible scenarios that may occur and the future policies, in order to understand if these will be able to adequately support the actors of the agro-food chain. The debate will involve major players from European institutions, national bodies, representatives of the agri-food chain, research and academia.

Session Chair

Maurizio Notarfonso, ENEA


10.00-10.20 Session I

Introduction: Focus on drivers and upcoming scenarios
Massimo Iannetta, ENEA

10.20-11.30 Session II

The potential of circular agriculture to increase the value of leftovers
Paolo Sckokai, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Piacenza

Sustainable supply chains
Emanuele Blasi, University of Tuscia - Mediterranea

Genetic improvement
Luigi Cattivelli, CREA

The digital evolution
Chiara Corbo, Osservatorio Smart Agrifood

11.30-12.30 Session III

David Bolzonella, University of Verona

Business case studies

12.30 Round Table

Pierre Bascou, European Commission - General Direction of Agriculture and Rural Development
Massimiliano Giansanti, Confagricoltura
Paolo Mascarino, Federalimentare
Elena Sgaravatti, Assobiotec
Representative of European Commission (TBD)