Bio-based industry as a boost for sustainable primary production in rural regions:
a journey across the Mediterranean basin

- Wednesday, November 6, 2024
- 14:00 - 18:00
- Memo
- Mimosa Room B6 pav.
- English
- organized by Ecomondo STC & Italian Circular Bioeconomy Cluster SPRING
Scientific research and breakthrough biotechnological innovations offer solutions that create new synergies between the bio-based industry and the agri-food sector. These alliances go beyond the consolidated paradigm of expanding the use of agricultural, forest and marine biomass, which often raises concerns about possible competition between food security and industrial productivity. Rather, the bio-based industry can provide solutions to reduce the environmental impact of outdated and polluting agricultural practices, improve the safety of work activities, enable the production of healthier food, and promote the regeneration of degraded soils. At the same time, the biodiversity of land and sea can be preserved. The wider area encompassing southern Europe and the Mediterranean basin can greatly benefit from the innovations of the bio-based industry, which can mitigate the obvious consequences of overpopulation and climate change. Moreover, the experience gained in the implementation of the bioeconomy and the bio-based industry in the Mediterranean basin can be a model for solving similar urgencies in other geographical areas of the world.
14.00-15.45 Session 1
Bioeconomy in the global scenario: the opportunities offered by sustainable bio-based economy transition
Lucia Gardossi, University of Trieste, board SPRING
Sustainable and circular bioeconomy for food systems transformation
Marta Gomez San Juan, Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome
Safe, circular, bio based and sustainable by design chemicals and materials
Serenella Sala, Head of the Land Resources and Supply Chain Assessments Unit, European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Bio-based industries: a key enabler for a sustainable and competitive Europe
Samuele Ambrosetti, Innovation and Programming manager, Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC), Brussels
Contribution of the Canadian forestry system and industry to the growth of the bioeconomy and to the future of Canadian rural communities
Derek Nighbor, President and Chief Executive Officer at Forest Products Association of Canada
Enabling the Circular Bioeconomy through the implementation of the European Green Deal
Tomasz Calikowski, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
Sustainable bioeconomy implementation: the global landscape
Jim Philp, Member of ECOMONDO International Advisory board
15.45-17.45 Session 2
Multi-actor implementation of Bioeconomy in the Mediterranean basin and beyond
Mario Bonaccorso, Director Cluster SPRING
The Bioeconomy initiative in the Brazilian G20 presidency
Fabio Fava, Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna, Focal point of the Italian Presidency of Council of Ministers in the frame of the 2024 G20 Bioeconomy initiative
The contribution of CBE JU
Virginia Puzzolo, CBE Joint Undertaking
The Biomodel4Regions – Innovative governance model for regional bioeconomy
Patrizia Circelli, Senior Innovation Management Consultant & PNO cross board sector team leader bioeconomy and agri-food, CIAOTECH, Italy
The BioInSouth EU project
Pierluigi Argoneto, SPRING consultant and BioINSouth project coordinator
Biobased innovation for sustainable agriculture and soil regeneration
Sara Guerrini, Novamont & Re Soil Foundation
The Horizon Europe Forest4EU project within the Network of European Regions for Innovation in Agriculture, Food and Forestry (ERIAFF) - Experiences on forestry management.
Samuele Pii, Tuscany Region
17.45 Closure by the Chairs
- Circular and Regenerative Bioeconomy
- Onsite event