• Thursday, November 7, 2024
  • 14:00 - 17:00
  • Memo
  • Agorà Malatesta – Enviromental Monitoring Area D8 pav.
  • Italian
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & Po River Basin Authority

The workshop will focus on best prectices regarding the correlation between new European Biodiversity framework and the impact on agricultural issues. The aim is to present best practices that shows the goals reached in terms of protection of Biodoiversity making profit.

Session Chairs

Alessandro Bratti, Ecomondo STC
Fernanda Moroni, Po River Basin Authority


14.00-14.20 Introduction
Representative of Ecomondo STC
Representative of Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry (TBC)
Representative of Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (TBC)

14.20-14.40 Main lecture “The perfect strorm: water, food and 8 billion of consumers”
Jan Lundqvist, SIWI-Sweden (TBC)

14.40-15.00 Ecosystem services
Davide Pettenella, Universty of Padua

15.00- 15.20 Case of CER (Emiliano Romagnolo Channel)
Zuccaro (TBC)

15.20-15.40 Network of firms to protect Biodiversity
Representative of Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (TBC)

15.40-16.00 An experience of processing industry agricultural products
Representative of Mutti (TBC)

16.00-16.20 The wood industry: a contribution for saving natural resources
Representative of Federlegno (TBC)

16.20-16.40 Forestation and dam
Representative of Romagna Acque (TBC)

16.40-17.00 Water: scientific or political issue?
Giulio Bocaletti, CMCC (TBC)

17.00 Discussion and closure by the Chairs