• Thursday, November 7, 2024
  • 14:00 - 17:00
  • Memo
  • Agorà Malatesta – Enviromental Monitoring Area D8 pav.
  • Italian
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & Etifor, Po River Basin Authority

The workshop will focus on best prectices regarding the correlation between new Global and European Biodiversity frameworks and keyintensive land use business sectors. The aim is to present best practices that shows that it is possible to create best trade off between profit and biodiversity.

Session Chairs

Alessandro Bratti, Ecomondo STC
Fernanda Moroni, Po River Basin Authority


14.00 Introduction

14.20-14.40 The Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security's policy to preserve the Biodiversity
Francesco Tomas, Directorate-General for the Protection of Biodiversity and the Sea, Ministry of Environment and Energy Security

14.40-15.00 Water, Climate and Biodiversity
Giulio Bocaletti, CMCC

15.00-15.20 Ecosystem services
Davide Pettenella, Universty of Padua

15.20-15.40 Business & Nature: how companies can assess, reduce and report their impact on nature through international guidelines and frameworks
Alessandro Leonardi, Etifor

15.40-17.00 Tavola Rotonda
Moderated by Andrea Gavazzoli

Giuseppe Dodaro, Fondazione Sviluppo Sostenibile
Lorenzo Ciccarese, ISPRA
Massimiliano Evangelista, AlmaViva
Alessandro Bosso, ART-ER
Raffaella Zucaro, CER ANBI
Erika Marrone, Alce nero
Paola Gallani, Autorità di bacino distrettuale del fiume Po

Discussion and closure by the Chairs