Flood control reservoirs: needs, potential, problems, case studies

- Tuesday, November 5, 2024
- 14:15 - 17:45
- Memo
- Agorà Fellini – Sites & Soil Restoration Area C3 pav.
- Italian
- organized by Ecomondo STC & ITCOLD – Comitato Nazionale Italiano per le Grandi Dighe, Italian Geotechnical Society - AGI-IGS Section
The presence of a dam on a river, capable of creating a significant accumulation basin upstream (reservoir), can determine important changes in the hydrometric regime downstream compared to natural conditions. Flood lamination consists in the modification of the outgoing flood wave compared to its natural structure, with the most evident effect of reducing the flood peak. This ability to reduce the heights of flood waves is the basis for the use of reservoirs and lamination tanks as a resource for the hydraulic protection of territories located downstream. This conference addresses the topic of reservoirs for flood lamination and lamination tanks, providing a general framework and delving into the theoretical, applicative and regulatory aspects. Examples of flood lamination reservoirs and specific case studies are also presented.
13.45-14.15 Participants registration
14.15-14.30 Introduction
Daniele Cazzuffi, CESI SpA & President AGI-IGS
Nicola Moraci, University Mediterranea Reggio Calabria & Vice President AGI-IGS
Rosella Caruana, Italian Dams Committee (ITCOLD)
Francesco Fornari, Enel GreenPower & Italian Dams Committee (ITCOLD)
Alberto Bonafé, Enel GreenPower & Italian Dams Committee (ITCOLD)
14.30-15.30 Keynote lectures
General overview of the topic, potential and problems
Armando Brath, University of Bologna, President of the Italian Hydrotechnics Association and Chairman of the ITCOLD Working Group on Flood Control Reservoirs
Theoretical and practical aspects
Alberto Bonafè, Enel GreenPower
Regulatory aspects
Giuseppe Parravano, Dam Authority
15.30-17.00 Experiences – Case Studies
Flood control reservoirs: towards an integrated methodology to plan priorities in Emilia-Romagna
Monica Guida, Settore Difesa del Territorio – Regione Emilia-Romagna
The case study of flood control reservoir of the Parma river (Emilia-Romagna)
Gianluca Zanichelli, Interregional Agency for the Po River
Flood storage for the Corbara dam (Umbria region)
Enrico Paganini, Enel Green Power
The importance of communicating with the public and combating disinformation
Tonino Bernabè, Romagna Acque
17.00-17.45 Discussion and Conclusions
- Sites and Soil Maintenance and Restoration
- Onsite event