• Thursday, November 7, 2024
  • 14:00 - 16:00
  • Memo
  • Agorà Augusto – Bioeconomy Area D2 pav.
  • English
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & CIHEAM, UfM, Uni-Med & BusinessMed

In a rapidly changing global economy influenced by environmental and societal shifts, the job market must adapt and develop new professional profiles to meet emerging needs. Innovation managers, technology transfer officers, and specialised trainers are becoming increasingly essential. Innovative educational programs designed with a learning-by-doing approach and solution-oriented challenges which unlock hidden talents, nurture the aspirations of young Mediterranean people, and develop soft skills towards the green transition, impacting the creation of start-ups and the change of businesses by encouraging more competitive innovation processes.

The CIHEAM supports the quintuple helix model, integrating academia, industry, government, civil society, and the environment, fosters entrepreneurship in promising economic sectors, provides meaningful opportunities and creates the conditions for a prosperous future. The event, organised by the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the Mediterranean Universities Union (UniMed), and the Mediterranean Confederation of Enterprises (BusinessMed) revitalises the Mediterranean Innovation Partnership (MIP), embodies a comprehensive multi-stakeholder approach and stimulates a comprehensive debate on these critical issues: How can innovation and technology transfer be effectively harnessed to support sustainable development in the Mediterranean region? What role can young entrepreneurs play in driving the green and blue economy transitions? How can the quintuple helix model be implemented to foster collaboration among academia, industry, government, civil society, and the environment?


Innovating the Mediterranean: Youth-Driven Green and Blue Transitions

Focus on youth empowerment, entrepreneurship, and sustainable innovation in the Mediterranean. Highlight how young people can drive green and blue economic transitions

14.00-14.30 Opening Remarks

The importance of youth in shaping the future of the Mediterranean, highlighting their potential in driving sustainable development
Teodoro Miano, CIHEAM
Nasser Kamel and Giuseppe  Provenzano, Union for Mediterranean
Marcello Scalisi, Unimed
Jihen Boutiba Mrad, BusinessMed

14.30-15.00 Panel Discussion: Scenarios and Evolutions of Food Systems and Green/Blue Transition in the Mediterranean and Africa
Yasmine Seghirate, CIHEAM

Sebastien Abis, Club Demeter
Angelo Riccaboni, PRIMA Programme
Nesrine Ziad, Leancubator
Jesus Anton, OECD - Trades and Agriculture

15.00-15.15 Innovation vision pills
Young CIHEAM researchers

15.15-15.30 Building Up the Innovation Ecosystem: MIP (Mediterranean Innovation Partnership Network)

Overview of the MIP Report 2024: Emphasizing the theme "Future is young! Changing mindset to deal with change."
Damiano Petruzzella, Annarita Antonelli, Giordano Dichter, CIHEAM Bari

Introduction of new MIP network strategies and tools that support young innovators

15.30-16.00 CIHEAM Youth Innovation Award
Young professional/student from CIHEAM institutes (Chania, Montpellier, Zaragoza)

- Presentation on the significance of the Innovation Award, highlighting past recipients and their contributions.

- Presentations from the three best candidates, showcasing their projects and impact.

- Award Ceremony.

- Engagement and Interaction.

Interactive Q&A Sessions: Encourage audience participation through interactive Q&A sessions after each major segment.