• Thursday, November 7, 2024
  • 10:00 - 13:00
  • Memo
  • Agorà Augusto – Bioeconomy Area D2 pav.
  • Italian
  • organized by Ecomondo STC & UTILITALIA (Italian federation of energy, water and environmental services), ASSOAMBIENTE (National Association of Environmental Services Companies and Circular Economy), CIC (Italian Composting Consortium)

Climate change and anthropic factors are risk factors that are increasingly affecting soil health and fertility. Fertilizers produced from sewage sludge are a significant source of organic carbon and nutrients for soil and crops. The conference aims to provide an update on the production and applications of sludge based fertilizers, on their characteristics and agronomic properties, as well as highlight the quality requirements necessary to guarantee their safe and environmentally friendly use.

Session Chair

Massimo Centemero, Managing Director CIC


10.00 Introduction of Session Chair

10.15-10.30 Overview on the management of sewage sludge in the national and European context
Andrea Lanz, ISPRA

10.30-10.45 The quality of sewage sludge
Tania Tellini, UTILITALIA
Michele Falcone, Gruppo CAP

10.45-11.15 Market and long-term benefits of sewage sludge-based fertilizers
Alberto Confalonieri, Technical Committee CIC

11.15-12.30 Fertilizers from sewage sludge: the state of the art and new evidence from the world of research

Assessment of emerging micropollutants in sewage sludge
Fabrizio Adani, Università degli Studi di Milano - DISAA
Claudio Minero, Dipartimento di Chimica - Università di Torino
Angelo Berri, consulente ambientale

The project SLURP SLUdge Recovery in agriculture: environment and health Protection
Giorgio Bertanza, Università degli Studi di Brescia - DICATAM

Speeches selected from the Call for Papers

Anaerobic digesters mixing performance simulations, considering solids to understand long-term performances
R. Muoio, G. Bellandi, U. Rehman, W. Audenaert - AM-Team
L. Pedrazzi, S. Lorenzini - BrianzAcque Srl

Biomethane Production Increase through Ozonolysis: From Laboratory Scale to Real Scale
D. Soderino, M. Peroni, E. Pasinetti, D. Preda - SIAD S.P. A 
A. Catenacci, E. Ficara, F. Malpei - Politecnico di Milano - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale

12.30 Discussion and conclusions
Filippo Brandolini President of UTILITALIA
Elisabetta Perrotta, Director of Assoambiente
Lella Miccolis, President CIC