Exhibition Sectors

Ecomondo 2023, puts the emphasis on water!
Continuing the commitment it has been pursuing for years, Ecomondo enhances the water resource in an increasingly in-depth and vertical way, both in terms of the industries involved and the content, with two initiatives:

>> WATER CYCLE | Ecomondo Water

The tour route is concentrated in the east area of the fairgrounds where, water is dedicated to the:
pavillions B6 | B7 | D7

The main focuses of this edition are water saving, monitoring, sludge purification, plant and civil, catchment, digitization, maritime economy, depollution and regeneration of the hydrosphere, desalination, port and coastal regeneration, which also find ample space in a rich conference schedule.


At Ecomondo, the theme of the sustainable use of water resources within the urban and industrial cycle is embodied in Ecomondo Water, the section dedicated to all phases of the integrated water service and water cycle, from saving, monitoring, purification to circular reuse in the agricultural, industrial and civil sectors.

Thanks to the partnership with UTILITALIA, Ecomondo Water fosters networking between national and international utilities and technology producers.


Ecomondo Water is a point of reference for companies, public administrations and consortia whose activities are focused on water in all its aspects. The following activities will be presented at the show: 

  • Water treatment, purification and desalination plants;

  • Reuse of wastewater and rainwater;

  • Treatment, valorisation and disposal of sewage sludge;

  • Design and management of urban, agricultural and industrial wastewater treatment plants;

  • Processes, products and plants for treatment and purification;

  • Process and industrial wastewater treatment;

  • Pipelines, pipes, valves and fittings;

  • Sustainable urban drainage, sumps, manufactures;

  • Pumps, turbines, inverters, controllers;

  • Energy and environmental monitoring and efficiency systems;

  • Meters, sensors and data management;

  • Remote control;

  • Water kiosks, domestic water purifiers.




Water and the circular economy
efficiency, sustainable energy recovery and reuse in Italy and Europe

Water and regulation
more efficient governance models, quality parameters, investments, tariffs, taxes and subsidies in Italy and Europe

Water and agriculture
efficient treatment, reuse and irrigation in the light of the new EU regulation

Water and health 
water safety plans, health and environmental risk analysis and management in use and reuse

Activities of the sole extraordinary commissioner for purification in Italy

Integrated management of water and urban waste

Digital solutions
data analysis to support decision-making for efficiency, technical, economic and environmental sustainability


With a view to protecting and restoring ecosystems, it is important to talk about, exhibit and study best practices and projects undertaken in relation to the Blue Economy. The Blue Economy encompasses all industries and economic sectors related to oceans, seas and coasts. It is an economic sector that at European level, generates around EUR 665 billion in revenues and creates almost 4.5 million jobs, while in Italy it provides approximately EUR 50 billion annually and 800,000 jobs. 

This new exhibition project disseminates best practices and projects related to the economy of the oceans, seas and coasts. It houses technologies related to:

Clean-up and regeneration of the hydrosphere
Water desalination
Regeneration of ports, coasts and coastal activities


  • Marine energy industry;

  • Tourism industry;

  • Fishing industry;

  • Desalinators;

  • Operators, administrators and industries involved in the regeneration of marine environments;

  • Desalination and brine management specialists;

  • Manufacturers of electrolysers or plants for the production of energy carriers.





The recent joint document published by the EEA and UNEP reports evidence that the Mediterranean, with its component seas and the three major rivers that feed it, is the most polluted basin in Europe. The main threats include pollution from plastics, pharmaceuticals, herbicides, antibiotics and hydrocarbons. This makes the environmental state of the Mediterranean a priority on the political agenda of the European Union, Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the United Nations (UN).

With its mission “Restore our oceans and waters by 2030”, for example, the EU Commission is calling for the rapid implementation of a systemic approach to the depollution and regeneration of the basin’s hydrosphere in order to achieve a 30-50% reduction of its current pollution levels by 2030.

The spheres of action represented at Ecomondo and the participating companies involved in the protection of the hydrosphere are: prevention and reduction of plastic, chemical and biological pollution; sustainable remediation and regeneration of contaminated soils, waters and sediments; monitoring of discharged or run-off waters; modelling and digitisation of sewage infrastructure; natural river and basin restoration.


With almost 16,000 plants in operation or under construction, desalination is used to produce fresh water in 183 countries, particularly in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia (population of 34 million) obtains around 50% of its drinking water from it, while Israel has one of the largest plants in the world, capable of producing 627,000 cubic metres of desalinated water per day. In Europe, the technology has undergone considerable development, particularly in Spain (by 2021, around 765 plants had been installed), where large installations serve urban areas, providing drinking water to 5 million residents and more than 8 million tourists a year.

The desalination of seawater is seen as increasingly interesting not only for coping with water shortages in coastal areas, but also owing to the need for water in the generation of offshore energy carriers, such as hydrogen. Commercial and industrial sectors of interest include desalination and brine management specialists, as well as manufacturers of electrolysers and energy carrier generation plants.



The regeneration of ports,  i.e. the rehabilitation/restoration of waterfronts for urban use or the urban regeneration of disused port areas, along with the redevelopment of coastal urban areas and their real estate, infrastructure and natural heritage, can contribute to the overall regeneration of coastal communities, ensuring sustainable development, the revival of tourism, and the quality and security of life in coastal regions, both from a social and environmental perspective.

Ecomondo is thus the platform to survey and interconnect the most significant experiences, technologies, operators, administrations and industrial entities in the sector, at national, EU and MED level, in order to foster the transfer of best practices and the launch of partnerships and integrated solutions of primary importance in applications and industry in the areas indicated. 




Exhibition Manager

Mauro Delle Fratte

Sales Account

Filippo Villanelli